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Energie-Allee 1
55286 Wörrstadt

P +49 6732 96 57 0
F +49 6732 96 57 7001

Management Board:

Carsten Bovenschen (CEO) · Christian Arnold · Stephan Hansen


Chair of the Supervisory Board:

Dr. Georg Müller

Legal form: GmbH
Registered office: Wörrstadt
District court Mainz
Register number: HRB 51356

USt-Id. Nr.: DE 249 256 884

Responsible for content pursuant to Art. 18 Para. 2 MStV (Media State Treaty): Christian Hinsch
(Address as above)

Design & concept & realization of the company website as well as and
deepblue networks AG
Schuetzenstrasse 21
22761 Hamburg
P +49-40-28 40 88-0
F +49-40-28 40 88-111

Design & conzept & realization of the international subsidiary websites and project websites:
Agentur für Markenkommunikation GmbH
Wilhelmshöhe 8-10
47058 Duisburg
P +49 203 39 58 58 50
F +49 203 39 58 58 99


We have included links to websites from the internet on our webpages, the content and updating of which are not subject to the sphere of influence of JUWI GmbH .
The following applies to all of these links:
"JUWI GmbH has no influence on the design and contents of third party internet websites. It, therefore, expressly distances itself from the material of all third party internet websites, even if the JUWI website links to these external sites."
This declaration applies to all links displayed on our homepage and to all contents of the pages to which the banners and links registered with us lead.


The layout of the homepage, the graphics and images used and the individual contributions are protected by copyright. The photomechanical reproduction, the duplication and the distribution by means of special procedures (for example data processing, data carriers and data networks)  – also in extracts  – is permitted only after approval by JUWI GmbH.